Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Oh, The Places you'll Go

Sunday was Dr. Seuss's 110th birthday.
and this week, kids all over the country are dressing up like Bloogs and Klopfers, Bar-ba-loots and Whoos! They are also reading a whole bunch and sharing their dreams and future plans and awesome ideas and being silly and happy and I just want to say thanks to Dr. Seuss for everything he has inspired. What a Treasure it is to know these stories.

One of my absolute favorite parts of this week, is the "What do you want to be when you grow up" Day. Seeing photos of your little people dressed up in their future career attire fills with me delight. I CAN HARDLY STAND IT! It makes me want to hang out with you guys and chat about why they picked to be a zookeeper? and ask What is their favorite animal? or Why do you want to be a chef? Whats your favorite food? will you have nachos at your restaurant? Can we make Nachos right now?
and MOSTLY, I want to tell every single darlin-dear dressed up in their duds, I BELIEVE IN THEM! I really do, I believe in you. Whatever you want to be, you will be. this is the reason I wanted to be a teacher. because anything is possible if you work hard and believe.

When I was little, I wanted to be a teacher. and a singer. equally. I would line up my stuffed animals and have a concert for them, then I would read to them. then sing to them again.
I would plan activities for the neighbor kids. Crafts and snacks and reading and singing time. and now I get to do this with my own kids and It really is the most beautiful and wonderful life. I feel so lucky to get to live my dream.

Now I want to help others do the same. My "Going Places" album was inspired greatly by turning into a "Grown-Up" and by "Oh the places you'll go". especially the song, LOVED BY ME. This song was for my oldest son, on his first day of kindergarten. Now that the song is recorded, 50% of every download from my website here will be donated to the Haitian Roots Organization that is providing education to children in Haiti. 

 Haiti has an illiteracy rate of 85%. This results in crimes and abuses of all kinds. Haitian Roots believes that education is the key to changing Haitian society. The board of Haitian Roots is committed to fighting against the atrocities that are happening to the youth of Haiti.
 The organization will give the children of this nation an alternative to the path of poverty they are currently embarked upon. 
My Introduction to this group was a youtube video, and at the end of the video were kids holding signs of what they wanted to be when they grew up. The signs said "Teacher" "Doctor" "Architect" "Driver" and when they were asked why they wanted to be those was because they wanted to help other people. It touched my heart. Their willingness to serve and their spirit and determination is so inspiring and I want to help and I hope you will help too. Please take the time to donate by downloading the tune or by visiting their website.
When I wrote "LOVED BY ME" I was thinking about my son and the kids in our community, and how much I believe in them. I hadn't even thought about the children outside of our country who don't have the advantages we have. Free public education is such a blessing. At times, I have been discouraged by large class sizes and diminishing arts programs, but really we are so fortunate to live where we do and have the opportunities we have. I believe every child deserves a chance and an education. Please help me raise money to support a child, or hopefully several children in reaching their distant dream.


ps* This year Max wants to be an archeologist
and Rocko wants to be a builder. Oh how I love them!!

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