Wednesday, November 27, 2013


         When I was a senior in high school, I was asked to speak at a Mormon Stake Youth Conference fireside with Merrill Jenson. {Merrill has composed the music for many of my favorite LDS films, including the Mailbox, The Phone Call, Legacy, The Testaments, and Emma and more.} I was asked to speak on the power of music, the importance of listening to the positive, uplifting kind, and how it effects our lives. The Stake Center was filled with my peers and their parents and I pretty much gave the best talk ever, filled with General Authority quotes, scripture references and my own witty remarks and cuteness. Merrill even high-fived me after, it was that good... After the meeting, a friend came up to me and told me I had done a great job...then he reminded me what my favorite song was. It was in this moment that I realized I was the biggest hypocrite on the face of the planet and that cute talks didn't matter if I wasn't practicing what I preached.

(My favorite song at the time was a Ludacris song that had super inappropriate lyrics, but had a great beat and was fast and so much fun to sing a long to...even though the lyrics were HORRIBLE! 
I often played it in my car, THE EDITED VERSION and it was still stupid gross.)

I felt awful that my friend remembered that song. This was the first time that I realized that people knew who I was, not because I was a speaker or singer at a conference, but because of my everyday living.

Its been a long time since I was in high school, but this lesson has stayed with me and to be honest, has kept me from being more open about my testimony of my Savior. I am not perfect. I say cuss words and I am tempted by Maverik Nachos on Sundays. I've had Family Home Evening for my kids maybe twice this year, I struggle with Tithing and laziness, and the list goes on and on...
But I KNOW that Christ lives and I wanted to tell you that I know.

This year I have felt my heart change.
Change in a way that I didn't even know needed to change.
but it did, and I am so grateful for the experiences that have led me to it.
This Thanksgiving, I want to give thanks to my Father in Heaven, and to my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the opportunity to repent and to become better. I am thankful for the Love that I feel because of His sacrifice. He is perfect and because of Him, we can become perfect. I know He knows me and is always there, No Matter What. I am so thankful for all of my many blessings that I know come from Him. I am thankful for the area we live in. For our neighbors and friends and our church family. There are So many wonderful people that teach me and inspire me to be better. I am thankful for music. For the opportunity to listen to it, and to create it. and for the music community found in Southern Utah. There is so much talent and love, and appreciation here. and I am so grateful to be a part of it.

A few days ago, I was checking the stats on my website. and one of my most popular songs this year has been "The Sunflower". This surprised me a little, I have been timid to share it but I am so thankful for the response it has received. I wanted to Share a free download again with you today because I am grateful for you, my amazing friends. You have given me the courage to try and be good for something. and to share it with others. and I have felt nothing but love, from you and for you. Thank you for all you have done for me and my music over the years. Thank you Near friends and Far-away friends, Thank you Religious and Not-so-religious friends, Thank you Real-life and Internet friends, You really are special to me and I hope you know that I appreciate you.  I hope this years Day of Thanks is your happiest and heartiest. and I also hope you have nachos...and I hope they are delicious!

p.s. I'm also insanely grateful for this group of stooges!

this was basically the only photo where everyone looked at the camera. bless us.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful spirit with us, Lyndy! I love "The Sunflower"! <3 to you and your beautiful family!

  2. Yes, thanks for sharing your thoughts and your songs!
