Wednesday, March 30, 2011

30 days to make it.

Alrightty! I clicked the launch button on my project. Please help! Donate! Tell your friends and your mom and your local gas station attendant to Donate!

click the link above to learn more.
I only have 30 days. its gonna fly by...whoa. im spinning.



  1. Lyndy you are great! I'm so HAPPY for you. You'll make it.

  2. Thanks Brooke Trout! Im so excited to see you in a few weeks. That concert is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to shake it to Nate and Sean T. with the Super Fan!

  3. Seriously. I could kiss YOU right now.

  4. HOLY FREAKING MAMA!!! The tears just won't stop for me right now! I am so stinking proud of you! I love to watch people LIVE THEIR DREAMS! You are one of my Heroes and I am SERIOUS!!!! I LOVE you so Much!!! I wanna drive down there and give you the biggest hug EVER! Thank you for your love and example! Oh my gosh I am such a baby right now. I am just so excited for you and so proud of you!

  5. I wish I could donate at least 250$. I would love you to write me a song! Holy Cow.

    You're adorable! This video was so stinkin cute. I loved the song playing in the background. I'm going to make a donation after I write this. Sorry it's a small one but I hope it helps. Best of luck to you!
